PPDD 2019 Home Call for Participation Hotel, Venue, and Optional Activities Registration Program Sponsors
PPDD 2019 Conference Call for Participation
If you would like to present and discuss your work during PPDD 2019 and have it included in the online PPDD 2019 Conference Proceedings and/or if you would like to provide a Position Paper for inclusion in the PPDD 2019 E-Book, we look forward with enthusiasm to your contribution and ask that you please follow the instructions provided below to submit your work.
The first two days of PPDD 2019 will include 75-minute breakout time periods with multiple simultaneous sessions featuring presentations of research and practitioner and policy work, experiences, ideas, challenges, and opportunities. Four presentations (15 minutes each) will be scheduled during each 75-minute session with the last 15 minutes reserved for questions, answers, and discussion.
To present and discuss your work, after reading the “Instructions to Submit Your Work for Consideration for Presentation” section below, please then scroll down to either the “Instructions for Researchers” section, or the “Instructions for Policymakers and Practitioners” section, whichever matches your field of work.
The “Instructions to Submit a Position Paper for the PPDD 2019 Conference E-Book” is the last section at the bottom of this page.
Instructions to Submit Your Work for Consideration for Presentation
Submission Deadline: 6 May 2019 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Time — Submit sooner for rapid notification
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: ASAP on a rolling basis after submission and no later than 8 May 2019
Deadline for Accepted Presenters to Register for PPDD 2019: 8 May 2019
If you have visa or other time-sensitive concerns, please submit your work as quickly as possible as directed below and email conference [at] ppdd [dot] org to request an expedited review so you can receive notification shortly after submission.
If desired, each author may submit one sole-authored work and one or more co-authored works, but each individual can only make one presentation at PPDD 2019 so, if accepted, additional submissions would have to be presented by another member of the co-authorship team.
Submissions are welcome from researchers, policymakers, and practitioners at all stages of their careers, from any theoretical and methodological approach, and across multiple disciplines.
Before we can address the digital divide, we must first understand the nature of life in the digital age, the many challenges and opportunities it presents, and the interplay of influence between technological and social change. Then, in turn, we can fully understand digital inequality; its place alongside other long-standing, persistent issues of social equity, social justice, and media justice; and what it means to be disconnected from the most important technological advancement in communication in a generation and the myriad possibilities it facilitates. Thus, PPDD 2019 invites work that informs issues related to information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the digital divide broadly defined, including but not limited to:
– gaps in access and connectivity
– digital inclusion
– digital exclusion
– digital (in)equality
– digital (dis)engagement
– challenges and opportunities
– social and cultural aspects of the divide
– the skills and digital/information literacy needed to interpret, understand, and navigate information presented online and the requisite curriculum
– effective use by individuals and communities
– the impact of socioeconomic factors on user behavior
– the role of motivation, attitudes, and interests
– differences in patterns of usage
– characteristics and conceptualizations of non-users
– the ways in which people use the Internet to create content
– content creation and inequality
– different forms of capital and power relationships, including in terms of content creation, labor, and ownership
– the role of theory in understanding ICTs and digital inequality
– the impact of new and evolving technologies
– the mobile divide
– the interplay of influence with mobile technologies
– human-computer interaction, human factors, and usability
– social media
– digital games
– apps
– socioeconomic and cultural effects
– social equity, social and economic justice, and democracy
– media justice and ICTs
– the ethics of digital inequality
– community informatics
– social informatics
– urban and regional planning
– social planning
– international development
– indigenous populations
– children and childhood
– education
– ICTs and well-being
– health
– disability and accessibility
– politics, digital government, digital citizenship, smart cities/citizens/government, civic engagement, adoption issues, and (in)equality
– global citizenship
– policy discourse
– law and policy and its impacts, including information/telecommunications policy, net neutrality, open access, open source, copyright, Internet filtering software, and censorship
– the digital security divide
– the digital privacy divide
– big data and inequality
– organizations and ICTs
– public access initiatives
– anchor institutions
– practitioner-oriented topics considering aspects of design, management, implementation, assessment, collaboration, challenges, problem solution, and opportunities
– architectural challenges and deployment experiences
– Internet access cost analyses
– the application of research to communities, practice, and public and private sector initiatives
Instructions for Researchers:
After you log into our online submission system, the first step in the process will ask you to select a track for your submission. Please select the track based on the region of the world where your research was conducted (not where your university/organization is located or where you live). If your research was conducted in more than one region of the world, you will have the option to select a track for multiple regions.
For your submission to present and discuss your research during PPDD 2019, you will need to provide:
– Title of presentation with the first letter of all major words capitalized
– Name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) of author(s)
– A 1 page (250 words maximum excluding endnotes and references) abstract
You will be prompted to enter this information twice in our online submission system — once in separate text input fields for blind review and a second time as an upload of your completed version of this submission template Word document. Please do not change any of the settings (e.g., font, font size, etc.) in the template — just simply enter your material where indicated. Only accepted abstracts that have been submitted and formatted using this template Word document will be included in the online PPDD 2019 Conference Proceedings.
To submit your work according to the above guidelines, please click here.
Instructions for Policymakers and Practitioners:
After you log into our online submission system, the first step in the process will ask you to select a track for your submission. Please select the track based on the region of the world where your policy and/or practice work was conducted (not where your university/organization is located or where you live). If your work was conducted in more than one region of the world, you will have the option to select a track for multiple regions.
For your submission to present and discuss your policy and/or practice work, experiences, ideas, challenges, and opportunities during PPDD 2019, you will need to provide:
– Title of presentation with the first letter of all major words capitalized
– Name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) of author(s)
– A 1 page (250 words maximum excluding, if applicable, endnotes and references) summary of what you would like to present and discuss. A summary shorter in length, even just a few sentences, is fine, too.
You will be prompted to enter this information twice in our online submission system — once in separate text input fields for blind review and a second time as an upload of your completed version of this submission template Word document. Please do not change any of the settings (e.g., font, font size, etc.) in the template — just simply enter your material where indicated. Only accepted summaries that have been submitted and formatted using this template Word document will be included in the online PPDD 2019 Conference Proceedings.
To submit your work according to the above guidelines, please click here.
Instructions to Submit a Position Paper for
the PPDD 2019 Conference E-Book
Deadline: 20 May 2019 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Time
All PPDD 2019 attendees may submit a position paper and all submissions that follow the guidelines below will be included in the PPDD 2019 Conference E-Book.
The final day (24 May) of PPDD 2017 is a full-day workshop devoted to discussing potential models for research agendas on broadband and the digital divide around the world, exploring gaps in understanding of crucial issues, and identifying new areas of necessary, productive focus. This day is a highly interactive, lively brainstorming and collaborative thinking dialogue among all presenters and other attendees to build partnerships and formulate action plans to advance the digital divide agenda and connect research, policy, and practice globally. All participants in PPDD 2019 will have the opportunity to provide in advance position papers for this workshop day that will be permanently archived via an E-Book on the PPDD website.
Presenters and all others who will be attending PPDD 2019 are invited to submit to ebook [at] ppdd [dot] org a 3-5 page (750-1250 words maximum excluding endnotes and references) position paper discussing:
– Your thoughts on what gaps exist in our understanding of the digital divide and its impacts;
– Your thoughts on what research, data, digital inclusion program and/or policy, evaluations and/or trials, and associated methodologies are needed to fill those gaps in understanding and find solutions; and
– Your thoughts on what collaborative partnerships need to be created and what action plans need to be formulated to connect research, policy, and practice on these issues in your unique region of the world as well as globally.
Please submit your position paper in Times New Roman font size 12 with other formatting similar to the abstract/summary submission template hyperlinked above and in Word doc/docx format.
If you have any questions about the submission processes outlined on this page, please email conference [at] ppdd [dot] org.
PPDD 2019 Home Call for Participation Hotel, Venue, and Optional Activities Registration Program Sponsors